It's that time of year again!  Nominations for a Paul Harris Fellow Award have been extended to May 24th.
Paul Harris founded the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905 and became the first President of Rotary International in 1910.  The highest honor you can receive from The Rotary Club of Montgomery/Rocky Hill is to be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow.  Our club’s annual support of the Rotary Foundation makes it possible for us to honor up to two Paul Harris Fellows each year while helping the Foundation support and underwrite the many programs that build goodwill and understanding around the world. The club contributes $1000 in your name to the Rotary International Foundation which, in turn, uses these funds to award Ambassadorial scholarships, sponsor exchanges between countries and clubs, and, currently, to eliminate polio and several other childhood diseases worldwide, as well as their other programs to build bridges of understanding between all people. A Paul Harris Fellow is someone whose actions emulate The Four Way Test. It is someone who puts Service Above Self to our club, our community, and/or Rotary projects around the world.
The nominee does not need to be a Rotarian and the nominee can be a previous recipient.
Each Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate, a Paul Harris Fellow pin and medallion at our 2020 Annual Installation.  Fill out the online form by at