How often have we heard, It’s the little things that mean a lot? But what does that phrase actually mean?
Are we referring to little minor details, or important small details, or simply an act of thoughtful consideration? I think that all three are important. We tend to be so busy in our day to day lives, that we often miss the most important aspect of virtually everything that we do… It’s the human element that’s missing. That may be the most important aspect of all, yet when we are busy, the personal touches are the ones that we tend to move to the side, and take for granted.
Here’s the irony: As human beings, we are so sensitive at times. We are often emotional more than we are logical. For example: How often have we looked at a situation when we are fatigued, or emotionally drained, and have felt deflated and overwhelmed? Then, we look at the same situation the next day when we are rested and we have a fresh set of eyes, and we feel invincible. Same situation; same person; different emotional response.
How about the little things that we could do to show genuine appreciation to others? A kind word backed by genuine sincere appreciation can brighten someone’s day. It can change their whole mood and outlook. I think it’s important that we look for opportunities to lift someone up.
I received a sales call from a polite young lady who was selling IT services. I did not know this person. It was a cold call. For anyone who has ever done sales and has had to make cold calls, it’s probably one of the most mentally challenging jobs that anyone can have. The reason is because there is so much rejection from people who you are calling on.
In sales training, many businesses will teach their new sales people that it is a “numbers game.” For example; A sale manager may tell a new sales recruit that they will need to make ten cold calls before they will receive one interested response. Think about that. Virtually everyone you call will tell you “no” or worse yet, they will also be very rude. Most people do not last in these jobs because of all of the rejection. The polite young lady who I was speaking with also received a “no” from me. I explained that we have a long-standing relationship with our IT company…. One more thing, I also told her that she was doing a great job! I could tell from her voice that she was surprised by what I just said. I encouraged her to stay polite, professional and persistent; and if she does, she’ll succeed. We talked briefly and I told her that I understood how challenging her job was. She thanked me for being so nice. It was just a small effort on my part to show her some honest appreciation and encouragement. I know that it made her feel better. The truth is… it made me feel better too!
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop
Yours in Rotary,
Tony Parziale