The highest honor you can receive from The Rotary Club of Montgomery/Rocky Hill is to be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow. Paul Harris founded the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905 and became the first President of Rotary International in 1910.
A Paul Harris Fellow is someone whose actions emulate The Four Way Test. It is someone who puts Service Above Self to our club, our community, and/or Rotary projects around the world.
Each Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate, a Paul Harris Fellow pin and medallion at our annual Installation.
Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow Award Recipients
1991 Daniel and Joanna Beresford
1992 Catherine Frank-White, Donald Matthews
1993 Kristina Hadinger, William Hyncik
1994 William Beachell, Jerrold Witsil
1995 Andy Malek, Yumi Shibatani, in memorium
1995 Gerard Walker, Lee Whitney
1996 Art Martin, Herb Forder
1997 Kip Higgins, Mike Dimino
1998 Peter Treichler, John Zanin
1999 Doug Merritt, Peter Croghan
2000 John Hobgood, Keith Wheelock
2001 Don Campbell, Lisa Youngberg
2002 Max Crandall, Bill Megill
2003 Michael Tofano, Anne Marie Weber
2004 Dave Demme, Sondra Moylan
2005 Jim Bartolomei, Mary DeCicco
2006 Bill Beachell2, Dave Demme
2007 Emad Abou-Sabe, Dennis Daggett, Art Martin2, Bill Hyncik2
2008 Eric Hendrickson, Lisa Youngberg2
2009 Kip Higgins2, Bob Milhiser
2010 Jenn Rangnow, Bill Robbins
2011 Dick Ragsdale, Joe Aspray
2012 Kristina Hadinger2, Emad Abou-Sabe2
2013 Cheryl Stites, Josh Turner
2014 George Jarvis, Carolyn Spohn
2015 Louise Wilson, John Walmark
2016 Sharon Prosinski, Cory Wingerter
2017 Jeff Gould, Maria Kauzmann
2018 Tony Parziale, Kevin Lynch
2019 Peter Kauzman, Edward Zimmerman
2020 Lisa Youngberg3 , Zoltan Nagy
Bold type indicates charter members / Superscript 2 indicates second award received. / Superscript 3 indicates third award received.
Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club Rotarians who received Paul Harris Fellow Awards from other Rotary Clubs:
- Al Vita chartered our club while member of the Belle Meade, NJ Rotary
- Harry Fenton chartered our club while member of the Belle Meade, NJ Rotary
- Dennis Daggett, San Jose Westgate, CA
- Zoltan Nagy, Carroll Creek, MD
- Josh Turner, Penfield, NY